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I have a very simple anti bot-spam technique that works extremely well. It requires no javascript, no cookies, no hidden fields, no complicated server weirdness, has negligible overhead, is fully accessible, has a high usability factor and is trivial to implement. Sound good? And it's dead simple too, so read on.
In order for spam to work, it has to be cost effective. In order for it to be cost effective, it has to be automated. In order for something to be automated, it requires a predictable pattern. The fundamental approach to this technique is to to deny the bot a usable pattern, yet make it easy for even the most inexperienced user to use. Since the spam bots use all of our form and predictable choices in form naming conventions (the pattern), we simply add a key that only a human can turn. We require that the user fill out one field with a number that is displayed in plain text. This makes it effective against automated solutions. That's fundamental captcha. Note: It will not, however, prevent humans from manually submitting spam to your form.
In the three years that I've used this, I've gotten a 100% anti spam-bot effectiveness rate over three years and some 20 odd sites. Sites that were being bombarded with hundreds of spams daily suddenly became quiet and good emails get though. I'm a Coldfusion coder, so my example is Coldfusion, but the technique is cross language. I hope it works as well for you.
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(Fortune) -- First, let's not panic. True, payrolls shrunk by 17,000 in January. But at the same time, the Labor Department adjusted December's numbers upward, reporting that 82,000 new jobs were created that month - a far larger figure than the government's initial estimate of 18,000. Unemployment, now at 4.9%, is just 0.9% higher than the 4% level that economists consider "full employment" (meaning that everyone who wants a job has one).
Still, with the ripple effect of the mortgage mess still spreading, consumer spending in a sulk, and companies like Citigroup (
Fortune 500) and Sprint Nextel (
Fortune 500) announcing big layoffs, you'd be smart to start thinking about recession-proofing your job - or, failing that - devising a plan for landing on your feet somewhere else. Here's how:
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Finding freeware for design and programming can be a hard task. Here there are 50 of the best.By using these programs, your projects will have a superior quality. Some of them will save you a big amount of time.Maybe you never thought in using some of them. But they will surprise you so much, that you won't be able to avoid testing them.
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I created a lists of Rss Feed Websites that you can submit your RSS/XML feeds. I know there are alot more out there but most of them are outdated and include sites that require registration to submit your feed. The list below are RSS Feed sites that do not require registration to submit a feed.
Try to submit your blog or websites to these sites to gain feed subscribers, increase back links, and site traffic. Good luck linking!!
If you know of a good RSS Website that I have not yet included in my list, please comment below so that I can include them. Give back!
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If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. One advantage of subscribing to RSS feeds is that you don't have to constantly re-visit this site to check for updates within specific sections you might be interested in because your browser or Feed reader will do this for you automatically on a regular basis plus you can even get email notification. Thanks for visiting!
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In the footer of the posts of this Blog, you will see the social bookmarking icons. If you hover your mouse over them, you will see that they "move" just a bit to the right and down, as if they are pushed down. Read on to learn how this is done.
The movement of the buttons is achieved using CSS. CSS lets you define a so called pseudo-class a:hover. This class contains the layout of the anchor-element <a> when the mouse hovers over it.
The bookmark-icons below have a html-structure like this:
<a href="url"><img src="imagesource"/></a>
We have to wrap it inside a span, with a unique class, for example:
<span class="pushbutton"><a href="url"><img
In the css-stylesheet we have to define the following style for the new class:
.pushbutton a:hover {position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px;}
Article copyright BookOfTips.Blogspot.Com - Find helpful tips that can help you with your daily activities. All rights reserved. No part of an article may be reproduced without the prior permission.
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