6 Tips on what to do during retirement age
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I would always suggest that you retire early so that you can enjoy life. But others fear that if they retire they will be lonely and have nothing to do which might make them sick. I wrote down some tips for you on how to enjoy your retirement. All of them are practical and some might say that its common sense, but I just went ahead and wrote it down incase you have forgotten them or have taken them for granted.
1. Plan your retirement in the spirit of having something added to your life.
2. Don't be against things so much as for things.
3. Even if you can afford it, don't rely on loafing. Life doesn't have to be easy to be wonderful.
4. Get up every morning wanting to do something.
5. Seek variety, develop original ideas, go with your whole heart, don't let the minutes rust away.
6. Try to keep healthy.
Remember: "Every time you go down, get up again. You'll be stronger than ever."
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