6 Tips On How To Appreciate Your Child's Drawing
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1. One must keep in mind that a basic understanding— that pictorial representation of a figure, object or person need not be the only criteria for a beautiful work of art. In other words, the exact copying of an object or person need not be the essential evidence for a perfect masterpiece.
2. Remember that your child has no intention of creating
a picture in the same sense as you, an adult. Keep V in mind too, that he is drawing or painting as a natural self expression because to him it is primarily FUN.
3. Try to remember that a child maintains his particular style or characteristics throughout his work. For example, he may base most of his drawings with a peculiar circle shape that is inscribed with a dot or a dash, even a cross. This may appear again in a flower, a button, a handle or as a basic design. This is the development of STYLE. Thus it is equally important to save your child's drawings and to review them from time to time. Keep a scrap book of his work.
4. Draw or paint together with your child. Keep it special on a rainy day. You need not be an expert. It need not be expensive. Just use pencil and paper or if you have a pentel pen it's even better.
5. To appreciate your child's art work, one must see with the eyes of a child. Then one will learn from his child. He can express many creative and spontaneous ideas from his own world of imagination, creativity and fantasy.
6. Finally, let your child talk about his work. A treasury of ideas, thoughts and feelings will emerge that will help you to understand your child's art and that will help you to know him better.
Encourage him!
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