A Very Simple and Effective Captcha

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[View FULL Article] I have a very simple anti bot-spam technique that works extremely well. It requires no javascript, no cookies, no hidden fields, no complicated server weirdness, has negligible overhead, is fully accessible, has a high usability factor and is trivial to implement. Sound good? And it's dead simple too, so read on.

In order for spam to work, it has to be cost effective. In order for it to be cost effective, it has to be automated. In order for something to be automated, it requires a predictable pattern. The fundamental approach to this technique is to to deny the bot a usable pattern, yet make it easy for even the most inexperienced user to use. Since the spam bots use all of our form and predictable choices in form naming conventions (the pattern), we simply add a key that only a human can turn. We require that the user fill out one field with a number that is displayed in plain text. This makes it effective against automated solutions. That's fundamental captcha. Note: It will not, however, prevent humans from manually submitting spam to your form.

In the three years that I've used this, I've gotten a 100% anti spam-bot effectiveness rate over three years and some 20 odd sites. Sites that were being bombarded with hundreds of spams daily suddenly became quiet and good emails get though. I'm a Coldfusion coder, so my example is Coldfusion, but the technique is cross language. I hope it works as well for you.

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8 ways to recession-proof your job

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[View FULL Article] (Fortune) -- First, let's not panic. True, payrolls shrunk by 17,000 in January. But at the same time, the Labor Department adjusted December's numbers upward, reporting that 82,000 new jobs were created that month - a far larger figure than the government's initial estimate of 18,000. Unemployment, now at 4.9%, is just 0.9% higher than the 4% level that economists consider "full employment" (meaning that everyone who wants a job has one).
Still, with the ripple effect of the mortgage mess still spreading, consumer spending in a sulk, and companies like Citigroup (C, Fortune 500) and Sprint Nextel (S, Fortune 500) announcing big layoffs, you'd be smart to start thinking about recession-proofing your job - or, failing that - devising a plan for landing on your feet somewhere else. Here's how:

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The Best 50 Freeware For Design and Developing

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[View FULL Article] Finding freeware for design and programming can be a hard task. Here there are 50 of the best.By using these programs, your projects will have a superior quality. Some of them will save you a big amount of time.Maybe you never thought in using some of them. But they will surprise you so much, that you won't be able to avoid testing them.


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RSS Feed Websites: Submit You Blog / Website

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I created a lists of Rss Feed Websites that you can submit your RSS/XML feeds. I know there are alot more out there but most of them are outdated and include sites that require registration to submit your feed. The list below are RSS Feed sites that do not require registration to submit a feed.

Try to submit your blog or websites to these sites to gain feed subscribers, increase back links, and site traffic. Good luck linking!!

If you know of a good RSS Website that I have not yet included in my list, please comment below so that I can include them. Give back!

Feed Ooyoo
Golden RSS Feed
Jordo Media
News On Feeds
Read A Blog
RSS Network
RSSbuffet Feed Directory
Small Business Blog Directory
Uncle Feed

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Pushbutton-style images and links

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[View FULL Article] In the footer of the posts of this Blog, you will see the social bookmarking icons. If you hover your mouse over them, you will see that they "move" just a bit to the right and down, as if they are pushed down. Read on to learn how this is done.

The movement of the buttons is achieved using CSS. CSS lets you define a so called pseudo-class a:hover. This class contains the layout of the anchor-element <a> when the mouse hovers over it.

The bookmark-icons below have a html-structure like this:
<a href="url"><img src="imagesource"/></a>

We have to wrap it inside a span, with a unique class, for example:
<span class="pushbutton"><a href="url"><img

In the css-stylesheet we have to define the following style for the new class:
.pushbutton a:hover {position: relative; top: 1px; left: 1px;}

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Tips On How To Embed (SWF) Flash movies In Your Blog

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This tip explains how to embed a .swf flash movie in your blog.

1. First, you need to upload your .swf or .fla flash file to a server. You can try Photobucket.com or Google Pages.

2. Copy the url of the video you upload and substitute it in the code provided below:

<embed pluginspage=" http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer" src="http://bookoftips.googlepages.com/flash.swf" width="120" height="120" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"></embed>

3. Copy and past the above code and paste it into your blog.

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Useful Tips On Blogging

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Here is my list of useful tips on blogging based on what I have learned from blogging through the years

1. Blog about a subject you love
2. Use descriptive titles in your blog
3. Make short but concise blog post
4. Buy your own domain so that your readers wont have a hard time remembering your url
5. Customize your blog template to fit what you are blogging about
6. Post at least 2-3 times a day if your schedule permits, once a day is fine too.
7. Enable comments on your blog so that your readers can give their feedbacks
8. Read and reply to blog comments
9. Enable Haloscan trackbacks on your blog
10. Leave trackbacks on other blogs
11. Allow readers to subscribe by email
12. Use Feedburner for your rss
13. Redirect your blog feeds through Feedburner
14. Try to encourage your readers to subscribe to your feed
15. Put a link in your signature on emails and in forums
16. Comments on other blogs and leave signature
17. Use Stumbleupon
18. Always quote your sources!
19. Use readable fonts
20. Do not infringe copyright!
21. Proof read your post
22. Use Technorati
23. Make timeless posts
24. Have an RSS subscription icon on every article post
25. Link exchange with other blogs that have similar blog subject
26. Don't write duplicate posts
27. Encourage your visitors to post comments
28. Tweak your blog to make it SEO friendly
29. Add Guestbook
30. Tell your family/ friends/ colleagues about your blog
31. Promote your blog offline as well as online
32. Add Search functionality to your blog
33. Use Blog Labels wisely
34. Organize your blog so that your readers won't have a hard time
35. Encourage your visitors to give their opinion through commenting
36. Learn the basics of HTML
37. Learn the basics of CSS
38. Learn how to customize your blog code template
40. Add "Related Articles" at the bottom of your post to encourage visitors to read more
41. Become an expert on your chosen subject
43. Be consistent
44. Use Google Analytics service to monitor your website visitors statistics
45. Invite people that are expert on your chosen subject to do a guest post
46. Avoid spelling and grammatical mistakes
47. Use blog post title effectively
48. Use Technorati
49. Read ProBlogger.net
50. Advertize your blog in your MySpace/Friendster/ Squiboo accounts
51. Guest post with other blogs that have similar subject as yours
52. Break huge post into several post
53. "Ping" sites when you update
54. Create a link to your profile
55. Be patient
56. Create somekind of a gimmick e.g. "contest", "prize"
57. Join forums
58. Join myBlogLog

Note: This acticle regarding "Useful Tips On Blogging" will update regularly.

Article copyright BookOfTips.Blogspot.Com - Find helpful tips that can help you with your daily activities. All rights reserved. No part of an article may be reproduced without the prior permission.

Free Beautiful Blogger XML Templates

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This post is a showcase of all the Free Blogger XML templates designs I can find, I will continue to update this post if I can find more templates that are worth adding to this list of well designed blogger xml templates. If you know of a free blogger xml template that you would like me to add to this list, kindly comment below so that I can include it here. Hope this post will help you find the design suited for your blog.

Rotterdam Blogger Template
This templates is compatible with Blogger/Blogspot BETA platform.
I enjoy this clean, stylish theme of this template. Simple yet elegant. Template designed by PannaSmontata Templates
Demo Download

Glossy Blue Blogger Template
Mac OS interface design with mini icons.
Template designed by Black Quanta.
Demo Download

Andreas 02 XML Template
Some elements of the design has been altered for benefits of Blogger Beta templates. Template designed by GeckoAndFly.com
Demo Download

Semi Pro 2 BlogSpot Template
A dark version of Semipro.
Blogger template Semipro II designed by dzelque.blogspot.com
Demo Download

Semipro New Blogger Template
With tabbed navigation and a web 2.0 feel.
Designed by Dzelque Demo Download

Yoghourt Blogger Template
This theme was originally a wordpress theme. Converted for blogger.
Converted by Jackbook.com
Demo Download

Plantilla Blogy-Styleicious Template For New Blogger
This fresh and pastel theme was converted from a Wordpress theme by Blog and Web.
Demo Download

iWork, Template For New Blogger
Elegant yet slick template! Converted from the original Wordpress theme by Jackbook.
Demo Download

Home Sweet Home, Template For New Blogger
Clean & unique theme with a combination of black and white.
Template designed by Template Panic.
Demo Download

Neon Neon New Blogger Template
This template displays alot of curves and swirls, not to mention the blend of colors.
Template design by Blog and Web
Demo Download

Blogy-Tierra Blog Template
Organic theme combined with an earthly look is how I descibe this blog template. Template design design by Blog and Web
Demo Download

Rosa Blogspot XML Template
A simple two column blog with an abstract header!
Template designed by Blog and Web.
Demo Download

Super Custom Template
Users can change almost all background and font colors for each section.
Template designed by Blogger Buster.
Demo Download (XML file)

Fluid Width Three Column
Includes navigation links in the header section, and is optimized for search engines. Designed by Vin of Beta Blogger for Dummies, Demo Download

Gourmet Menu Restaurant Template for New Blogger
If you are looking for aRestaurant Template, this is the right theme for you. Template designed by Blogger Buster
Demo Download

Compaq New Blogger Template (XML)
1 Column, Fixed Width, Fixed Background. Best quality (IE & Firefox), only for more than 1024*728 Resolutions
Demo Download

Firefox 2 New Blogger Template (XML)
2 Column, Fixed Width, Editable
Best quality (IE & Firefox) all Size and Resolutions
Demo Download

Sweet Dreams 3 Column Blogger Template
Sweet Dreams template with the addition of a second sidebar to the left of the main column.
Demo Download

Provincia Free Blogger XML Template
A bright and shiny style theme by Blog and Web.
Demo Download

Cat Crazy BlogSpot XML Template
3 column cat lover template designed by Fresh Blogger Templates.
Demo Download

Blogger Template - Magic Paper
Gothic and stylist blog template. Template designed by Blog Crowds.
Demo Download

Neosapien Blogger Clean Layout Template
Clean and original template by Blog and Web.
Demo Download

Free Download Paper Border Blogger Template
Ripped paper effect on the border of the page. Simple, fresh and blue!
Designed by Template Panic. Demo Download

Sandpress Template for New Blogger Download Free
Professional gray blog template, converted for Blogger by Zona Cerebral. Demo Download

Blogy Zen Free Blogger Template
Professional looking template from Blog and Web.
Demo Download

Gemstone XML template for New Blogger Beta Layout
You can add widgets in sidebar, and links in top-menu, directly in your "Page Elements" panel. You need no HTML skills to use them
Demo Download

Mushblue XML Blogspot Template Layout
Another great Wordpress conversion by Jackbook for Blogger.
Demo Download

Fluid Solution Wordpress Template Converted To Blogger
This template will stretch to fit the width of your browser. Its scaleable!
Converted to Blogger by Jackbook
Demo Download

Black & Red Glow Template
Reminds me of a star wars inspired template for blogger. Originally was a Wordpress template converted by Jack Book for Blogger Beta.
Demo Download

Buy iPod XML New Beta Blogger (BlogSpot) Layout
Great overall layout with a touch of techie feel! Created by Jackbook.
Demo Download

Flower Girl Free Blogger / Blogspot XML skin / template
This theme features a built in RSS Feed and full support for drag and drop sidebar widgets.

Hobbit Blog Template for Beta Blogger XML Layout
If you are a Hobbit fanatic, this template is for you! Template by Hans of Beautiful Beta. Read more and download

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Showing Link Field in Beta Blogger

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To enable the Link field, go to Settings Formatting and scroll all the way to the bottom, then set Show Link Field to Yes then click the Save button:

Then, paste this code into the appropriate place in your template:

For Classic Blogger Template:
<a href="<$BlogItemURL$>"></BlogItemURL><$BlogItemTitle$></a>

Source: http://help.blogger.com/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=42051

For Beta Blogger:

<b:if cond='data:post.link'>
<a expr:href='data:post.link'>Related Article</a>

Article copyright BookOfTips.Blogspot.Com - Find helpful tips that can help you with your daily activities. All rights reserved. No part of an article may be reproduced without the prior permission.

Five Humane Ways to Increase Traffic Effectively

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[View FULL Article] Written by Angel Cuala from Humane Blogging Tips

High traffic is high income and that is common sense. You may find effective ways to increase your traffic from almost every blogger. Each of them has proven testimonies on how they effective they are, and you can also try it. Some bloggers even make experiments on their blogs to make it more attractive. But the big question is, are you being humane? Or just doing it for your self? If so, then I do not blame you. Blogging is an individual activity and all of us have different and unique purposes. But one thing is for sure, we do everything do increase our traffic. Since we all have the same agenda, I have some humane ways on how to do it:

Be yourself. If you are blogging like another person you cannot increase your traffic the way it should be. This is because although readers may not see it once, they will see it soon and they will not like it even if your topic is interesting to them. If you are just blogging about something that you think can bring you a lot of money, but not related to your character, then you will not succeed. You cannot earn good money from being somebody else.

Be ageless. If you post about a hot topic, you can surely feel the effect. People love hot issues, either they can learn from them or not. But the question is for how long will you feel it? Then on the next day, you find another controversial topic and the routine goes on and on. Consider this, post about a timeless and quality topic and you can still feel the effect even if you are already gone. Your article will go everywhere and you will be surprise to meet a new blogger thanking you for a very old post.

Be informative. Valuable information is what visitors need. Giving tips on how things are done properly and effectively is the best niche topic you can do. Although you can also blog about your feelings and personal journey in life, you must also include the valuable lessons you have learned. In this way, you are also giving away tips and people can learn from your past experiences, no matter how hard your life was. However, just make sure you tested the tips first before sharing them.

Be a smart spender. You can use money to earn more traffic and if you are smart enough, the money you spend will be doubled or even tripled. But how can you do that? First, avoid spending too much money. Instead, spend time in researching and evaluating what kind of strategy that is applicable to your capability and interest. Do not just believe when experts tell you that you will be rich if you follow his way. Note that you are a different person and you cannot do exactly what he did.

Be human. Please do not get me wrong; what I mean is to consider people first before search engines. Keywords help search engines to be attracted our blogs, but you must remember that it is still humans who created them. Moreover, you can still maximize your keywords to increase traffic if you treat your readers as humans like you. Being creative is the characteristic you should have in order to use your keywords repeatedly, and you can make your articles readable to humans and non-humans simultaneously.

Getting high traffic is not a burden to stop us from being humane. Actually, being a blogger can also make us be a better human being but only if we want to.

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Tips On Increasing Comments On Your Blog

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[View FULL Article] * Write on controversial topics/ debatable topics
Write about Britney or Barack Obama. Or about how Twitter is stupid. Get the point? Pull in people to write comments. You have the risk of spoiling your reputation but everybody would appreciate your efforts later.

* Leave room for discussion
Always end your articles without a conclusion. Give the reader two or more options, let him select his choice. And leaving room for discussion is always a good way to ensure that people start commenting.

* Ask questions
This applies to people who already have a following. Ask your readers an interesting question. They will respond for sure. But make sure you don’t keep mum after asking the question. Write back to them as well. They’ll appreciate it.

* Reward commenters
You could reward them in many ways. Either give away goodies/cash to frequent and top commenters on your blog on a weekly basis or gift them a surprise link in one of your recent posts. I prefer the second way. Make it a point to read your commenters blogs and respond to one of his articles through your post. Post a link to it. He’d be happy.

* Comment on other blogs
A very easy thing to do. The principle is - do things proactively to others what you want them to do to you. So comment on other blogs that you think has relevant content. Write authority comments that are relevant. You will grab the webmasters attention and he’ll ultimately notice you.

Article copyright BookOfTips.Blogspot.Com - Find helpful tips that can help you with your daily activities. All rights reserved. No part of an article may be reproduced without the prior permission.

WordPress Snippet: Complete List of Posts

If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to my RSS feed. One advantage of subscribing to RSS feeds is that you don't have to constantly re-visit this site to check for updates within specific sections you might be interested in because your browser or Feed reader will do this for you automatically on a regular basis plus you can even get email notification. Thanks for visiting!

[View FULL Article]

while(have_posts()) {


This will display the time and title for all your posts. This could result in a very long page, and a more usable way of doing it would be to change the posts_per_page parameter, and add Next and Previous links to navigate the whole list. Code snippet by Otto in the wp-hackers mailing list.

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Improve Social Media Profile Rankings with Internal Links

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[View FULL Article] If you want your social media profile pages to rank highly in the search results, it's important to build links for them. There are billions of pages in Google's index and only those pages with enough linkjuice are going to reach the front page in a competitive query.

Getting quality external links to social media profiles can be difficult, but you can often get good internal links with just a little bit of participation. And those internal links are a very powerful, underrated SEO ranking factor.

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7 must-read Webmaster Central blog posts

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[View FULL Article] Posted by Susan Moskwa, Webmaster Trends Analyst

Our search quality and Webmaster Central teams love helping webmasters solve problems. But since we can't be in all places at all times answering all questions, we also try hard to show you how to help yourself. We put a lot of work into providing documentation and blog posts to answer your questions and guide you through the data and tools we provide, and we're constantly looking for ways to improve the visibility of that information.
While I always encourage people to search our Help Center and blog for answers, there are a few articles in particular to which I'm constantly referring people. Some are recent and some are buried in years' worth of archives, but each is worth a read:

1. Googlebot can't access my website
Web hosters seem to be getting more aggressive about blocking spam bots and aggressive crawlers from their servers, which is generally a good thing; however, sometimes they also block Googlebot without knowing it. If you or your hoster are "allowing" Googlebot through by whitelisting Googlebot IP addresses, you may still be blocking some of our IPs without knowing it (since our full IP list isn't public, for reasons explained in the post). In order to be sure you're allowing Googlebot access to your site, use the method in this blog post to verify whether a crawler is Googlebot.

2. URL blocked by robots.txt
Sometimes the web crawl section of Webmaster Tools reports a URL as "blocked by robots.txt", but your robots.txt file doesn't seem to block crawling of that URL. Check out this list of troubleshooting tips, especially the part about redirects. This thread from our Help Group also explains why you may see discrepancies between our web crawl error reports and our robots.txt analysis tool.

3. Why was my URL removal request denied?
(Okay, I'm cheating a little: this one is a Help Center article and not a blog post.) In order to remove a URL from Google search results you need to first put something in place that will prevent Googlebot from simply picking that URL up again the next time it crawls your site. This may be a 404 (or 410) status code, a noindex meta tag, or a robots.txt file, depending on what type of removal request you're submitting. Follow the directions in this article and you should be good to go.

4. Flash best practices
Flash continues to be a hot topic for webmasters interested in making visually complex content accessible to search engines. In this post Bergy, our resident Flash expert, outlines best practices for working with Flash.

5. The supplemental index
The "supplemental index" was a big topic of conversation in 2007, and it seems some webmasters are still worried about it. Instead of worrying, point your browser to this post on how we now search our entire index for every query.

6. Duplicate content
Duplicate content—another perennial concern of webmasters. This post talks in detail about duplicate content caused by URL parameters, and also references Adam's previous post on deftly dealing with duplicate content, which gives lots of good suggestions on how to avoid or mitigate problems caused by duplicate content.

7. Sitemaps FAQs
This post answers the most frequent questions we get about Sitemaps. And I'm not just saying it's great because I posted it. :-)

Sometimes, knowing how to find existing information is the biggest barrier to getting a question answered. So try searching our blog, Help Center and Help Group next time you have a question, and please let us know if you can't find a piece of information that you think should be there!

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40+ essential resources for Google Blogger

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[View FULL Article] Written by Amanda Fazani

While Blogger may not be seen as the most powerful blog management system, it certainly has a loyal following. Beginners and advanced users alike appreciate the simplicity of Blogger, the free hosting and ease of customization.

So for those of you who choose Blogger as your publishing platform, here is a selection of essential templates, tools and resources to help you build a better blog.

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Blog:Tweaks Tips Tricks Widgets

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[View FULL Article] I found this great blog that has alot of tweaks that prove to be very useful in improving your blog. He laid it out so that you can easily customize your blog to add new features like tab views, showing related articles, breadcrumb trail, adding frontpage to your blog and alot more...

Dont forget to add comments regarding this tip! Happy Blog Tweaking!!

Article copyright BookOfTips.Blogspot.Com - Find helpful tips that can help you with your daily activities. All rights reserved. No part of an article may be reproduced without the prior permission.

How Yahoo Search Assistant Changes SEO

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[View FULL Article] On Tuesday Yahoo became the last of the four major search engines to offer blended search. Last, but definitely not least as Yahoo’s Search Assist may just be the killer app to get some switching back from Google. Search Assist also has the potential for changing a few things when it comes to optimizing for Yahoo as people begin to unknowingly build more advanced queries.

Yahoo’s been rolling out some of the changes recently, but on Tuesday they all came together. There’s already been a lot of coverage and instead of trying to repeat what’s been said I’ll leave you with the links towards the bottom of this post. However the best way to see the changes is by going to Yahoo and searching.

SEO Related Observations About Search Assist
In using search assist the last couple of days a couple of things have become clear to me. The first is that whether they realize it or not people will be performing more long tail searches. The second is that when search assist is open one less organic search result is visible above the fold.

In the above image you can see search assist in action for the single word ‘cavern.’ The phrases on the left are search suggestions and one of the nice features is that cavern doesn’t need to be at the beginning of the suggested phrases. The two columns of phrases to the right are concepts around the word cavern you can explore.

As an aside you might notice the Beatles as one of the concepts and it might seem strange for it to be there, but the Beatles got their start playing at The Cavern club in Liverpool. Just a little trivia for you non Beatles folks.

Getting back to the cavern search I selected Howe Caverns from the suggestions on the left and then selected ‘adventure tour’ in the concepts that showed up.

You can see that Yahoo is now showing results containing adventure tour. While it doesn’t show in the search box the actual search now being performed is

howe caverns + “adventure tour”

Notice that adventure tour is being searched in quotes as an exact match while the howe caverns part of the search isn’t. The query above is somewhat more complex than a user will typically type on their own. It’s not overly complicated, but now thanks to search assist we’ll be seeing more advanced searches that will go deeper into the search tail.

Combined with the observation that one less result will be in front of people (at 1024 x 768 resolution one organic result is visible) I think it becomes more important to optimize for long tail queries for Yahoo traffic. It may not be enough to simply have all the words on the page either as the second half of the query is an exact match.

As you start to use search assist more your attentions naturally ends up more focused more at the top of the page on search assist itself. If you don’t see a good result quickly you may decide to further refine the search as opposed to digging deeper into the results and clicking beyond the first page. It wouldn’t surprise me to see less results being clicked, but more clicks leading to good results. That would likely lead to more satisfied Yahoo users.

Long tail optimization has been good advice for awhile now. Search Assist makes the advice better and should also require more focused long tail optimization. Additionally with one less organic result showing the paid listings take on a greater percentage of the space. It’s very possible Yahoo will start seeing more clicks on their ads.

Suggestions For Search Assist
I’d like to see Yahoo display the actual search being performed when using search assistant. In the above howe caverns + “adventure tour” search why not show the entire search in the search box? Showing the actual search would help users better understand what is happening and it would educate them about advanced search operators. If Yahoo tested the idea and found users were more confused by seeing the search change I could understand, but otherwise I think it would be a nice touch.

Exploring concepts is a great addition and I wonder if it could be expanded one more level. Instead of only exploring concepts around the original search why not allow exploration around the more advanced modified search. It would add one more level of refinement and for Yahoo it would keep more people on Yahoo’s search results page

If possible I wouldn’t mind seeing more advanced search operators gain inclusion in search assist. Right now search assist will include an exact match phrase on top of your initial search. Perhaps they could add a way to exclude certain words or phrases as well.

These are some of the posts I had been collecting for tomorrow’s This Week In SEO post. If you haven’t yet spent any time with Yahoo’s search assist the posts below will fill you in more about how it works and the general changes Yahoo made. Eric Lander’s Search Optimization Guide will walk you through a variety of the changes and how they relate to seo.

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