Tips On What To Give Your Child After Weaning

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The following menus are suggested:

6 a.m. — Glass of milk. This will keep him quiet while his mother prepares breakfast for the rest of the family.

7 a.m. — Breakfast with the family: Oatmeal or rice or bread broken into small pieces and soaked in milk or puto with margarine; soft-boiled egg.

10 a.m. — Mid-morning snack of fruit juice before or after his bath; then he takes his morning nap.

1 p.m. — Lunch consisting of broth with added strained vegetables like kangkong or camote tops, squash, chayote, etc.; scrapped beef or flaked fish; banana or papaya.

3 p.m. — Cup of milk before he takes his second nap.

6 p.m. — Supper of rice with broth, a little mashed vegetable, flaked fish, scraped fruit. One glass of milk before going to bed at night.

Two-year olds can be given more solid foods that can be chewed with their molars. At this time, the child shows a desire to feed himself, using his fingers. Cut up the vegetables and the meat or the fish (deboned) into small pieces that he can pick up with his fingers and pop into his mouth.


When he wants to use spoon and fork, place the food in a small bowl so that he can push the bit of food against the side of the bowl and thus be able to pick it up with the spoon. The child will no longer want to take a nap in the morning but he will become sleepy before lunch time so it is advisable to give him his lunch early.

He can join the family at the table for meals which may consist of the following:

7 a.m. — Breakfast: fruit in season, crisp pinipig with milk or toasted bread soaked in milk, and a soft-boiled egg (never fried).

10 a.m. — Orange or calamansi juice with a piece of cracker.

11 a.m. — Lunch of rice, broth with vegetables (chop­ped), ground meat ball, banana, a bit of candy.

3 p.m. — Merienda of glass of milk with a small sand­wich.

7 p.m. — Supper of rice, broth with vegetables or an egg, mashed yellow camofe with a little milk and sugar.

Glass of milk before going to bed.
It is desirable and convenient to the child to develop good eating habits at an early stage,

These rules can help the child go through the routine:

Wash hands and face (especially after playing outside and he perspires) before sitting down to eat. Eat slowly and chew the food well. Eat what is placed before him. Drink a glass of water after each meal but not to wash down food with water. Rest after each meal instead of rushing out to play

On her part, the mother should see to it that meals are served at regular times, that the meals are well-planned and well-served.

In between-meal snacks should be nutritious and served also at regular times.

Very often a young child does not know that he is hungry but unconsciously shows it by being irritable. Insist that even a snack of a glass of calamansi juice and a cracker are eaten inside the house and with the child sitting down so that he has a chance to rest from play.

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