The Top 10 Reasons Employees Are Fired In Toronto

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[View FULL Article] There are all kinds of no-no's in the business world.

Don't talk about your boss while he or she is listening.

Don't alienate your co-workers with endless gossip.

And for God's sake, remember to take a bath occasionally.

Those are the more outrageous examples. But they're not the only sins.

And according to a new survey by the employment firm, which asked 100 local employers the reason they most often fire workers, there are far more common faux pas that can lead to the axe.

Some of them - ranging from falling asleep on the job to looking for work while your shift is on - happen all too often.

Another no-no comes before you even land the position - lying on your resume.

"I find about 20 percent of people lie on their resume, then they cant do the job," outlines Human Resources expert Claire Pressnan.

Then there's constantly leaving early or arriving late or even having a wee bit too much to imbibe when you're on too long a lunch break.

The responses would be almost funny, it if weren't for the fact many of us may recognize ourselves in some entries on the list.

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